The Benefits of Speaking with a Legal Recruiter

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Recruitment often (and erroneously) holds negative connotations within the industry. However, a specialised recruitment consultant can be a valuable resource during your job search.

You might wonder: What makes a good legal recruiter? And why should I use a legal recruiter? Here, we explore 7 reasons why finding your ideal job is best done with the help of a professional legal recruitment consultant by your side.

1. A Recruiter will increase your chances

When dealing directly with employers during your job hunt, you may find that the wait between sending an application and receiving a call back takes a fair amount of time. This time may be better spent with a recruiter who has access to a vast network of connections and can potentially put your CV in front of a number of potential employers at once, heightening the chance of your progressing to an interview.

2. Discover what you don’t know

Not having much success in receiving a call back? There may be a multitude of things that are preventing you from landing a role that you are unaware of. Professional consultants will always provide honest feedback regarding your CV and interview performance to ensure candidates have the best possible chance at landing a job, before reaching out to a potential employer.

At Sonder, we believe this is the best approach. Constructive feedback is essential and always helps our candidates to progress on their job search. We also strive to provide helpful insights into different markets to help set our candidates apart from others during the interview process.

3. Set up for success

Recruiters can be a valuable resource to shine light on areas of strengths and weaknesses, provide guidance on how to best posture yourself in an interview and help set you up for success when it comes to mapping out your ideal career trajectory.

At Sonder Consultants, we don’t believe in pushing candidates into roles just because the positions are available. Instead, we will always honour our value of honesty and provide feedback and advice to guide you to a position that fits with your intended career trajectory.

This may entail waiting for the right opportunity to become available, however, our patience will ensure you are informed and given the freedom to make the optimal decision that suits you and your lifestyle.

Whether or not a position is successfully fulfilled, we will offer feedback every step of the way, as we understand how valuable this information is to a job seeker.

4. No salary guesswork

Take the guesswork out of the equation. A recruiter will always ensure you are completely informed from the get-go as they will know the salary information on the position they are attempting to place you in. This means the recruiter will know your value and the salary you deserve. This way, you won’t have to go through the pain of wondering in hindsight if you could’ve secured a higher salary if you had negotiated. Recruiters will let you know how you should represent yourself to get the salary that is a perfect match your skills and experience.

5. The optimal fit for you

It’s in a recruiter’s best interest to find you a job that is the optimal fit for you. This means that their search will be well-considered, utilising their networks to source the position that is ideal for you, limiting the possibility of you ending up in a position in which you are overqualified and underpaid.

6. Confidentiality

A lot of the time, you will start a job search while still in a current position. By working with a recruiter who understands the importance of confidentiality, you will not have to post your resume and run the risk of it being seen. So, you can rest easy knowing your resume is only being seen by new potential employers.

7. Career Progression

Working with a legal recruiter will help you to map your career path and provide you with access to exclusive job opportunities that align with both your career and life objectives.

“We cannot achieve more in life that what we believe in our heart of hearts we deserve to have.”
– James R. Ball