How to Ask for What You're Worth

Written By:
Kevin Sinnott
Managing Director
Many organisations are coming into pay review season right now. As the informed lawyer that you are, you’re already preparing yourself for success before you walk into the meeting.

Well done for doing so – we all know that failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

Here are some additional tips to really help you get the best chance of getting the pay rise that you deserve.

1. Have complete confidence about your worth

It’s all well and good if you feel like you deserve a pay rise, but you must go one step further and back it up with figures of industry standards. We’ve done the hard work for you and have compiled real life, practical insights from placements across Australia to create our 2021 Legal Salary and Market Guide. If you’re interested in receiving a copy, email us on and will send one stright to your inbox. 

It’ll also be wise to inform yourself of how the company is performing overall, your team or department’s contributions and the current market’s conditions. 

2. Get clear as to your WHY

Once you know the figure that you deserve, get crystal clear as to what you’ve done to deserve this. Build a strong case and use tangible information and proof of your achievements. Be well prepared with information that demonstrates your abilities and value to the organisation.

Go further and share ideas and intended ways to improve current processes, add value to the organisation and innovate.

3. Practice your confidence in a role play

In situations like these, it’s easy for us to get nervous and become derailed with what we want to say. Especially on the topic of money – it’s not a common topic of conversation, and often it’s even more uncomfortable when we’re talking about our own worth. But it’s essential you get comfortable with the figure you’re asking for, and project confidence when you are asking or negotiating.  

Practice again and again until you think you are coming across the best you can be. Ask your friends or loved ones for advice on how you present, and areas for where you can improve.

4. Get a coach who helps you through the process

In addition to getting advice from friends or loved ones, getting someone who is an expert in this area can really help level up your conversation. A recruiter who specialises in your area is likely to offer insights to better inform your approach.

At Sonder, we’re well placed to offer guidance in preparation for this process. Our consultants are able to offer more nuanced information regarding salary expectations based on your knowledge and experience.

Sonder Consultants are a boutique legal recruitment firm specialising in both in-house and private practice, and have opportunities in domestic and international markets.

For more information on career advice or opportunities in your respective field, contact us on

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go…”
– Dr. Suess, Oh the Places You’ll Go