Essential Tips to Ace an Interview: Selling Your Strengths

Written By:
Kevin Sinnott
Managing Director
Once you have established exactly what you need to accomplish and the best way to make that all-important first impression, it now comes down to learning how to effectively sell your strengths during the main phase of the interviewing process.

Read these top tips from our team of legal consultants on how to effectively sell yourself, show enthusiasm and leave a lasting impression…

1. Utilise Your Consultant

At Sonder, we have created an essential guide of all the main interview questions for you to have by your side whilst preparing for your interview, download it here.

However, for more tailored advice on the particular firm you have applied for, with your career objectives in focus, speak to your consultant throughout every stage of the interview preparation process and ask lots of questions, no matter how minor. There is no better person to ask for advice than your legal consultant.

2. Showcase Your Experience

Selling your expertise in the right way is an essential skill to master. Even if you are a modest person by nature, there are ways to communicate your strengths without going against your personality or coming across too forward. Follow these tips: 

  • Prepare speaking points, not a script. Being authentic and showing your personality is important. Know your stuff, but don’t be scared to answer spontaneously as well.
  • Provide example-based answers. Talk about previous deals and matters, the actions you took, what you learned, the overall outcome and how you can apply what you learned to this new role.
  • Storytelling is a fantastic and engaging way to highlight particular skills. Be aware of the length of your story, don’t make it too long and focus on the main points.
  • Highlight how you work with others and the feedback you have received from your team, clients or colleagues. Firms will be looking for someone that they can work with, someone transparent, friendly and approachable.
‘Remember you are in that interview room for a reason – the company has seen your CV and it’s impressed.’ – Matthew Hart, Director, Head of Australia at Sonder Consultants

3. Show Enthusiasm

Showing enthusiasm in your interview is key. However, this includes more than just indicating your desire to work for a particular employer. Try to read your interviewer and understand how to show enthusiasm in a way that is confident and not ‘put on,’ and remember this advice:

  • A good way to show your enthusiasm for a role is to express your career goals and life objectives and how this new role falls in line with them.
  • Think about why you would be motivated to succussed if they hired you and communicate this to them.
  • Listen and understand the questions, don’t just reply. This shows that you are focused, educated and enthusiastic.
  • Ask the interviewer questions about their personal career journey, big legal cases they have worked on and discuss any interests you may share, this could even be about a sports team you both like.
  • End the interview on a positive note, ask the interviewer some questions regarding the role and this may open up a final opportunity for you to discuss your experience from another angle and make a lasting impression. Again, find out what types of questions you should be asking in our handbook.

4. Practice Makes Perfect

In our experience, we have found that role-play really helps to build confidence and ensures a strong technique on the day. Ask a friend to meet and ask you some tricky interview questions in a fairly formal setting. Some candidates have even dressed in the clothes they plan to wear on the day as sort of a dress rehearsal.

“An interview is a performance to some degree. You’re starring as yourself,” says Pam Skillings, Interview Coach

At Sonder Consultants, we have an intimate understanding of the interview process and are here to support you in every possible way. We pride ourselves on going above and beyond to ensure our candidates go into an interview feeling as prepared, informed and confident as possible. We will provide questions to anticipate based on our experience working alongside that firm or organisation, and provide strategic advice based on our knowledge of your career ambitions.

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.”
– Winston Churchill